The Headteacher's Blog - The Burfordian, Issue 4 2023-2024

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The Headteacher's Blog - The Burfordian, Issue 4 2023-2024

This is the Headteacher's Blog which was first featured in issue 4 of The Burfordian, published on Friday 10 November 2023.

Burford School Mr Albrighton Headteacher

Each year at the beginning of November, we welcome serving members of the Forces to deliver readings and reflections on the importance of Remembrance. We also ask students to recite poems in support of our visitors. Moments of reflection on the sacrifice of others are essential to developing an understanding of leadership, responsibility and service. At the current time, with conflict ongoing in the Middle East, Ukraine and other parts of the world, Remembrance Day also reminds us to explore every opportunity to bridge divides and seek peace, however difficult it may be. I will be brief here this week as I cannot offer a more meaningful reflection on this theme than the words in the poem of Hiba Mohamed Hassan, aged 19, from Somalia.

The Youth are a pillar 

And a national symbol 

They are a ray of light 

And the future of the whole country 

Without them 

It means 

A house without foundation 

And with no entry point  

My point is 

They can create peace 

And can shape the future 

Our beautiful land 

They can illuminate it 

They are Immutable flowers 

That can benefit the people 

Source: Poems for Peace (UNICEF) 

For the last week, we have had an Art installation in Reception comprising poppies created by students in Year 7. I know that you will agree that it is a fitting commemoration of the students and staff who made the ultimate sacrifice for others to have peace. 

Burford School Remembrance Art 2023